Sanborn Head provided geotechnical engineering services for emergency repairs to Bethel Mountain Road following extensive damage sustained during a heavy rainfall event in the spring of 2019. Damage included washed out culverts, soil slope failures impacting the edge of roadway, extensive pavement damage, and loss of roadway guard rail.

Key Components:

  • Geotechnical Engineering Services
  • Slope Design
  • Construction Oversight
  • Emergency Services

Sanborn Head performed a preliminary review of the existing conditions at the site before recommending and performing a tailored subsurface exploration program. Slope stability modeling was performed at three locations along the roadway and proposed repair details were provided to the client. Additionally, Sanborn Head performed an evaluation of an existing retaining wall and provided a new asphalt pavement section for the reconstructed roadway.
The results of the subsurface exploration program and Sanborn Head’s engineering and construction recommendations were provided in a detailed geotechnical report.

Sanborn Head also assisted with the preparation of contract drawings and provided input on constructability concerns. During construction of the project, Sanborn Head provided field oversight of the installation of the slope stabilization systems and assisted with design modifications as necessary to construct the repairs in the field during this fast-tracked construction project.