Sanborn Head provided engineering and construction phase services to the Town of Bethel, Vermont to repair a soil slope adjacent to Peavine Boulevard. The slope sustained damage during a flooding event caused by heavy rains.

Key Components:

  • Geotechnical Engineering Services
  • Slope Design
  • Construction Quality Control (CQA)

The scope of the project included performing a subsurface exploration program and providing repair recommendations. The repair consisted of stone fill with a stacked stone wall at the base of the slope. Sanborn Head also provided construction quality assurance services during the construction phase of the project.

Because the erosion at the top of slope (along the roadway) was impacting the stability of the roadway, the Town was looking to expedite the project.

The challenges of this project was working under an expedited schedule and installing the stone buttress in dry conditions while temporarily dewatering the toe of the slope. Sanborn Head was awarded the project based on our innovative design that addressed the project challenges.

Sanborn Head designed and engineered the repair of Peavine Boulevard while providing construction oversight to ensure a successful completion of the project that was on schedule and within budget.